“Comme curatrice et fondatrice de Eye’s Walk Digital Festival, j’ai eu l’occasion et la joie de présenter à plusieurs reprises l’art numérique de N2U pendant nos production artistiques en Grèce,
Le Eye’s Walk Digital festival développe des projets artistiques dans l’espace public de plusieurs villes de Grèce, sous l’égide du Ministère Hellénique de la Culture et des Sports. Le festival provoque la rencontre entre l’héritage culturel, l’architecture, l’espace public et la communauté d’un lieu précis avec une des formes la plus moderne de l art contemporain : l’installation video, la réalité mixte [VR/AV] et la performance -in situ –.
L’art numérique de N2U capte toujours mon attention et m’éblouit par son mélange de poésie, son expérimentation rigoureuse des technologies digitales et son capacité d’interaction avec le public.
N2U développe les trois éléments capitaux de l’art contemporain : Ils sont innovants, ouverts à des nouvelles collaborations et ouverts à des nouvelles cultures. Pour toutes ces raisons, je travaille avec N2U sur la concrétisation de leur oeuvre « CHAPITRE » en Grèce avec l’équipe de Eye’s Walk Digital festival.
Je suis ravie de voir peu à peu leur œuvre s’exporter et côtoyer des forces artistiques nouvelles ainsi que le public international, ce qui au vu de leur savoir-faire et de leur passion pour l’art contemporain et numérique ne m’étonne pas.
“February 2, 2019
Dear Selection Committee:
It is a pleasure and honor to strongly recommend Eric Szerman for this residency program with his project CHAPTER / CHAPITRE. When he wrote to tell me about his group’s latest project with literature in public libraries, asking the public to read an excerpt of their favorite book and interview them about what they like about reading, I immediately was deeply interested. I became even more deeply interested when I read more about their plan to film this library public to capture their emotion and then create a three-screen, multi-channel art video downloaded in an interactive digital art installation called CHAPTER.
In my 27 years of collaborating with students, readers, artists in university, art and general public spaces throughout the Americas and, recently in Europe and Asia, I have worked with hundreds of people and projects. So, I have deep experience with the kind of dedication, expertise with public and art and the technical logistics and being able to read the moment in terms of what will resonate with the public in front of you (in this case the library readers) and then what will resonate on film later when circulated globally online. I believe this project CHAPTER has this potential to resonate in both the immediate local moment as well as the later filmed online version for multiple audiences.
As a university professor and as an artist, I see this project’s focus on reading and art as fundamentally important. In our world of increasing competition for our time and attention via technology and the barrage of daily information coming at us, I believe CHAPTER is the kind of project with reading and reading to each other that we need in our world. To capture that reading and engagement with it and with each other on film and circulate that process and the emotions experienced could have a meaningful impact on youth and people of all ages.
I first met Eric and the N2U collective last year when they were doing a project as part of Nuit Blanche in Paris. They were working in an elementary school and inviting children and people of all ages to learn —through an interactive shadow and light projection that they could literally place their hands in—about how imagination works. One of the goals of this collaboration, as I understand it, was to also inspire people to realize they can have an impact in their own world. When I walked into this elementary school classroom, it was buzzing with energy and full of people of all ages. It was clear that the public was deeply engaged with the project. Eric immediately greeted us and we had an immediate conversation about the work and why they were doing it. We followed that conversation up a few weeks later when I returned to Paris and we talked more deeply about our respective work and reasons for doing it. I have not stopped thinking about the resonances between our work.
“Cher Eric, cher Camille,
Nous avons eu le plaisir de vous accueillir pour cette édition SAFRA’NUMERIQUES du 19 au 23 mars 2019. Je tiens à vous remercier pour votre belle présence, votre engagement soutenu et infaillible.Vous avez su transmettre votre perception pertinente aux milliers de jeunes qui venaient découvrir notre événement dédié aux arts numériques et nouvelles technologies. Votre œuvre intitulée « Ne pas regarder le soleil dans les yeux » a particulièrement été remarquée et vous avez permis à un très grand nombre une approche sensible et déterminante. Le sujet climatique nécessite un réveil des consciences. Vous avez su l’appréhender de manière éclairée dans sa version artistique. Merci pour votre participation quotidienne votre engagement inlassable et étonnant, ce fut sincèrement une très belle surprise, une très belle démarche qui ne transparaît pas systématiquement dans les choix que nous avons à faire.
Je vous transmets toute mon amitié, mon soutien, en vous souhaitant une excellente continuité avec cette œuvre sensible pédagogique dont nous avons tous besoin.
Très cordialement,”
“Avec Chiromancie, Eric Szerman et Camille Turlot s’amusent des codes de la cartomancie. Le visiteur déclenche avec ses mains des vidéos prémonitoires fragmentées sur des miroirs. « Mais c’est moi qui choisit la prédiction en plaçant plus ou moins près de l’artefact. L’avenir reste entre nos mains », sourit Eric Szerman.”
A night time Contemporary art exhibition in the city of Paris, Nuit Blanche attracts more then one million visitors every year and showcases all forms of contemporary art creation to cater all type of audiences. On this occasion, the digital art duo N2U has demonstrated their capacity to federate all those audiences by exhibiting a work of art combining simultaneously interactivity and poetry with their installation CHIROMANCY during the NUIT BLANCHE 2018.
At the heart of the historical quarter Le marais, within the walls of the Neuve Saint Pierre School, the visitors were invited to discover fragmented alternative futures, in a a reverse shadow play where shadow gave way to light. Thanks to hands movement, dreamlike evocations were nourishing a narrative storyline.
And as far as the logistic aspect of the project, complicated at time, the collective has demonstrated their rigour, their skillfulness and their ability to federate.
“Listen to Julien Baldacchino, contemporary art journalist at the French Radio France Inter talk about Chiromancie as one of the best installation from Nuit Blanche Paris 2018. Starting at 20 minutes”
“N2U experiments all the possibilities of digital art, pushing the boundaries of the medium thanks to their unlimited imagination and their tireless work ethic. ”
“N2U is always bringing something original to the table and with each work of art
they create something totally new.
Eye's Walk Festival in Syros, Greece
“Their video art Andalucia fits perfectly the description of an iconic song which shines a light on the dissonance and conflict that often exists in life between our longing for true social and human connections, and political challenges. The video underline this inconsistency which is not in favor of humanity””
"Breaking Culture" Meteoriti at Santa Maria della Scala Museum
“Ilaria D’uva is the curator of “Meteoriti” and the CEO of d’Uva, the number one firm for multimedia technologies, audioguides, mobileapps, storytelling and digital interpretation of the historical and art heritage in Italy.”
Art Video International Festival in Jerusalem
Front Page of the official guide to Jerusalem "I travel Jerusalem"
(A CAPTION FROM "ANDALUCIA" was chosen to represent the festival IN The media)
““I appreciate the video Andalucia a lot - it is a great work of art and for me it is important that an artist work from his inside world. I am happy that its shown and I think it should be shown a lot.””
Tri Postal' Maker Faire Lille
“Sherry Huss is the Co-creator of Maker Faire. The original Maker-in-Chief. Forbes 2017 Forty over 40. Top 7 Famous Women In 3D Printing Industry 2017. Maker Advocate & Evangelist.”
Press regarding the Feux Sacrés / Sacred Fires exhibition
“... and last but not least, the blinding sun of Camille Turlot and Eric Szerman”
“... Fire was also in the center of the performance on the night of the vernissage, where Prometheus’ fire spread into our technological era thanks to Camille Turlot and Eric Szerman. The performance set the whole audience on fire.”