


Andalucìa / Andalusia is a song and a video about the life story of its singer, Antonio, imprisoned because of this song after the Spanish civil war of 1936-1939.

Performed by Camille Turlot


Recorded in 1936, just after Franco's army took over Seville, the capital of Andalusia, the song became an Anthem for Republicans all over the country. When Franco eventually won the war, Antonio got thrown in jail. And despite the support of the people and personalities like Picasso, he stayed there till Franco died, nearly 40 years after.

Actually, neither Antonio nor the song existed. Just like his song was, Antonio is himself a metaphor, conjuring the spirit of every artist protesting for a democratic world. A healthy reminder in today’s World where temptation of nationalism is stronger than ever.

Andalucìa in context

Originally, Andalucìa is part of the project « La Française (la francesa) » - The French woman, which consists of a performance piece with a video-projection installation. This project, started in 2015, addresses the issues of immigration, integration, exile and identity in regard to the History of Europe since the 1930’s. It was supposed to be shown to and debated with high-school students all around France throughout 2015/2016 but one night of November 2015, while the show was on, a terrorist attack in Paris changed everything. Most of the tour got cancelled due to a state of emergency, which is still in order in France. The show went on for a while after the attack, defending the philosophy of the project, which is the need to resist against oppression. But, even though the show resonated all the more after the event, the dynamic was gone and never came back to this day. We can only hope that this world tour would bring a new chance for our protest to be heard as it should have been in the first place.


To my grandmother, the French woman, and to my great grandfather, killed by fascism in 1939